Main Office
Broadway Travel, Inc. is a travel and tour corporation duly registered under Philippine laws. It was founded and established in July 1985 and has over 38 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. Our business registrations and licenses are as follows:
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registry No. 127568 dated 19 July 1985
- City of Manila Business Permit No. 2021020865
- Bureau of Domestic Trade Registry No. 731132
- Bureau of Internal Revenue Tax Identification No. 000-346-651-000
- Department of Tourism Accreditation no. TOP-NCR-TTA-00024-2020
Corporate Vision
A leading professional travel and tour company meeting the ever-changing domestic and international needs and demands of travelers through our creative and innovative capabilities in the service of man for the glory of God.
Corporate Mission
To provide excellent service to travelers, maintain the highest standards in our dealing with the stakeholders and promote global inter-cultural relationships.
Our Products and Services
- Airticket issuance for local and international destinations.
- Package Tours to local tourist destinations such as Boracay, Palawan, Cebu, Davao, Baguio, Banaue, Subic, Ilocos, Bohol, Iloilo, Camiguin, Batangas, Cavite, Laguna and others.
- Package Tours to international destinations such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Canada, U.S.A., Europe and others.
- Pilgrimage Tours to the Holy Land, Europe, Mexico and other religious destinations. We have been regularly organizing pilgrimage tours to the Holy Land since 1993.
- Travel arrangements for seminars, incentives and educational tours. We regularly handle Filipino groups attending Rotary International conventions and other conferences abroad.
- Passport processing and facilitation. Application for new passports or renewal of expired or lost passports. Obtain authenticated birth and marriage certificates from the NSO and other documentation services.
- Philippine immigration assistance such as extension of stay of foreign nationals and acquisition of Filipino citizenship.
- Professional visa assistance services for the following countries: U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan, China, United Kingdom, Schengen Countries and others.
- Travel Insurance.

Message from the Managing Director

Ms. Fe L. Buenviaje
~ Message Coming Soon ~